The Ultimate Guide to Build a Better Life


“Are you living the life you want to live? ”

If you hesitate to answer this question with “Oh yes!”, then there is probably something wrong.

Thanks to the “Building a better life” journey, Gulpes offers you its very first step-by-step roadmap to make your life evolve towards the one you dream of.

Through a series of tailor-made tools, you will learn how to focus first on your inner self to discover who you are, then exploit your own evolution to clarify and build your ideal life. All this thanks to a methodology that anyone can literally follow and benefit from its transformational results.

The purpose of this journey is to get you to dig deep to understand what you want in life and then to establish a system to get you there.

What will you learn?

1. Find out who you really are

Discover the full extent of your personality by exploring self-discovery and its surroundings. Get to know the being within you and the keys that will allow you to go beyond your suffering and start afresh.

2. Clarify what you want in your life

Clarify the life that suits you best with short- and long-term exercise. The mists of thought that invade you will give way to clear and certain thoughts of what you want to achieve in your life.

3. Determine a balanced ratio between your work and entertainment

Free yourself from the beliefs and anxieties of a lack of time to accomplish what matters to you and replace them with an unshakeable trust in the accomplishment of everything in its time. You will be surprised how much your life can change when you know how to combine these two indispensable aspects.

4. Establish habits that enrich you

Understand the reasons for the common failure of most of the goals you have set yourself and realise that they differ significantly from what you are used to. Learn how to establish new habits that will help you build your best life and grasp the keys to habits that last.

5. Develop an action plan

Create action plans for each of the elements of your ideal life by following concrete examples. With these plans, it will be harder for you to do nothing than to act. As for your ideal life, you will see it with a clear eye.

All this will take place according to the following program

  1. Self-discovery
  2. Brainstorming
  3. Clarifying your ideal life
  4. The balanced ratio between your work and your entertainment
  5. Habits
  6. The action plan

Each of these programs includes facts and practical examples to give you an idea of what it’s all about. They will be offered to you one after the other over the next few days. The start date is March 1, 2021.

Get ready for a new adventure.

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